“CCDF” is a private non-governmental,non-profit and non political organization neutral regardless of race, religious and political. CCDF Registered at Ministry of Interior under No 1063 Sor Chor Nor, established on April 1th, 2011 with unlimited humanity activities to join in cooperation with the Royal Government in poverty reduction by providing social services, knowledge, skill, profession for employments ect.
“On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike menes who beguiled demoralized “
It is a summary of the aims and core values. A mission tells what you as an organization do for customers.
The VISION of “CCDF” is to work in cooperation with the Royal Government in poverty reduction by providing social services, sharing experience, knowledge, skill, profession for employment, and supporting household economy for social equity.
Act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor, often for community service
We’re So Much Trusted
Charity Fundations
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Sorem esum dolorame consectetu adipise elits sed eiusmo tempor.
Sorem esum dolorame consectetu adipise elits sed eiusmo tempor.